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At Energage, security is at the heart of what we do. We invest in the security technology, tools, and resources so you can be confident that your organization’s data is always secure. Use this portal to learn about our security posture and request access to our security documentation.

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OpenSSH: regreSSHion Bug (CVE-2024-6387)

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Energage's Information Security Team is aware of and is monitoring this vulnerability. We have identified areas within our environment being affected by this vulnerability, and are currently in the process of patching. We are continuously monitoring our environment in order to quickly detect, identify, and mitigate any additional instances of this vulnerability that may be discovered.

Published at N/A*

Energage not impacted by Snowflake Breach

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Energage's Security Team is aware of the Snowflake breach. We do utilize Snowflake but were not affected by the breach.

Our Snowflake users login to the application via Single Sign On (SSO) rather than using Snowflake passwords. Therefore, even if their Snowflake credentials were leaked, Energage would still be protected.

Regardless, when we became aware of the breach, we took extra security measures to increase our security even further.

Published at N/A*

Energage not impacted by MOVEit vulnerabilities

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Energage's Security team became aware of the news surrounding the MOVEit vulnerability.

We want our customers to know that Energage is not impacted by this vulnerability.

Energage does not utilize the MOVEit software in any aspect of our operations. Therefore, we want to emphasize that our systems and services remain unaffected by the MOVEit vulnerability

Published at N/A
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